Additional Crops

America’s Best Inoculant for Peanuts is a Rhozobia package for top yield responses for only pennies per acre. Conveniently packaged in easy to handle 2.2 gallon jugs. 

Graph-Ex for Peanuts is a specially formulated blend of encapsulated Rhizobia inoculant for peanuts and related crops.

Graph-Ex for Cover Crops is a planter box treatment that can be added right at the planter just before planting and is your answer to increasing nitrogen levels in the soil with a legume crop, including peas, lentils, vetches and faba beans.

Graph-Ex for Dry Beans is a specially formulated blend of encapsulated Rhizobia dry bean inoculant, comprised of beneficial bacteria to fix nitrogen after established. 

America’s Best Inoculant for Pea and Lentil is made in the USA and was developed by a leading authority of legume inoculants. It has been found to be adaptable to many different types of soils. ABI for Pea and Lentil is available in a convenient 3.0 liter pouch.

Graph-Ex for Peas / Lentils / Garbanzo Beans contains a specially formulated blend of encapsulated rhizobia bacteria for peas, lentils and garbanzo beans  in a talc-graphite carrier.

Graph-Ex for Alfalfa/Clover is an inoculant formulated to assist in establishing and maintaining good plant stand. Graph-Ex for Alfalfa/Clover contains a specially formulated blend of Excalibre Alfalfa/Clover Inoculant plus SabrEx Root Inoculant formulated in a talc-graphite carrier.