
Agrauxine GraphEx SA2 for Soybeans
Graph-Ex SA2 for Soybeans is a blend of three strains of Bradyrhizobia plus two strains of Trichoderma formulated in a talc/graphite carrier.

ABI 120 for Soybeans is an all liquid soybean inoculant system designed for use in commercial seed treatment systems.

America’s Best Inoculant for Soybeans is a triple stack Rhizobia strain package for top yield responses for only pennies per acre. Available in Sterile Liquid 10 liter, Sterile Liquid 3.1 liter and Sterile Peat.

Excalibre SA2 for Soybeans combines all the benefits of Excalibre for Soybeans plus growth stimulant benefits.

Graph-Ex for Soybeans is a unique soybean inoculant with a proprietary blend of three strains of yield-enhancing Rhizobia bacteria with an innovative talc-graphite carrier for increased seed flowability with high adhesion and low use rates.

MegaPack for Soybeans is a low volume liquid formulation that drastically reduaces seed bridging and sticking. It contains three times the Rhizobia and goes on at about a third of the application rate. It can be used with Plus 30 Extender for longer planting windows.

SabrEx SA2 for Soybeans and Legumes is a biological seed treatment that contains two proprietary strains of Trichoderma.